Walking 100km for Alzheimer’s Research – “Race to the King”
By Adam Vernon
I am really concerned about the number of people I know who are suffering with dementia. Since my mum had dementia and passed away in 2019, I have been much more aware of the symptoms and realise the devastating impact it can have on individuals and their families.
Therefore, over the last few years I have been raising money for Alzheimer’s Research by completing walking marathons. Last year I completed an organised walk called Race to the King which was a double marathon, one marathon each day over two days, and I am delighted to say that I raised well over £900 from 33 supporters. Alzheimer’s Research is working with the Drug Discovery Alliance on over 20 potential new treatments for dementia right now and there are over a dozen dementia treatments being tested in the final stages of clinical trials.
In June this year I’m completing the Race to the King again but it follows a different route and covers 100km (just about 62miles) over the two days. The walk is based in West Sussex and starts at Goodwood Racecourse and covers a large figure of ‘8’ including some of the South Downs as well as coastal areas. On the first day we do a large loop down to Chichester and Bosham then back to Goodwood for overnight camping, then on day two, we do a loop to the East and come over to Arundel and Amberley. So a great new challenge!
If you would like to support me on my fundraising for Alzheimer’s Research, please go to Just Giving and search for Adam Vernon 100k. (www.justgiving.com/fundraising/adamvernon100k) Any support you can give will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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