Corpus Christi 2020 – St Philip’s School Perspective

By Claire Fairlie, Year Six Teacher

One of the highlights of our school year is to see the Carpet of Flowers in-the-making. Unfortunately, for obvious reasons, that was not possible this year. It seemed a shame to let the date slip-by unmarked, not just for ourselves but for the community. Therefore, we decided to make a collaborative piece of art that would prompt us to think about Holy Communion and the importance of the Feast of Corpus Christi. We wanted something that would also make a decorative focus for parents who were waiting to collect their children at the end of the school day.
Every single child who was in school last week, made yellow and white flowers out of paper, and (in true Blue Peter fashion), we put together a makeshift frame for the flowers to be stuck on to. We found that doubling the flowers gave them a more interesting finish, and with some help from one of the Year 6 ‘bubbles’, we put the final pieces together in the shape of a host and chalice. Thanks to Autumn, Beau, Claude, Jacob, Logan, Louie, Noah and Victor for their help in creating the picture from its different parts.
Canon David agreed to give a blessing, so the flowers were put on the grass at the front of the school. After this, Mrs Horne took the pieces up to the Cathedral, where they were reconstructed on the altar steps. I had several comments from children the following day – they had watched the Mass and were delighted to see their artwork so prominently displayed!
Whilst it was lovely to have made a contribution to this special feast day, I hope that next year we will be able to visit the Cathedral and enjoy a more traditional Arundel celebration of this special occasion.
A special thanks to Mary Harding and Lorraine Cranfield who prepared the beautiful flower displays.

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