Deacon David Clifton

Deacon David although born in Farnborough has strong family connections with Arundel. His father, Francis was from an old established Arundel family and his grandfather worked in the castle for the Duke of Norfolk. David was educated at the Salesian College in Farnborough and then at The Polytechnic, Regent Street, London where he obtained a BSc. in Physics. After a few years in varied employment including trying his vocation with the Salesians, he retrained and qualified as an architect in 1980. He married Monica Lanaway in the Cathedral in 1974 and the couple have two children; Bruno, now a Dominican priest and Frances who married in 2005 and lives in Goring. Frances is the Cathedral book-keeper. In 1998 David began studying for the Permanent Diaconate and was ordained in July 2001. He retired in autumn 2017, but still maintains his diaconal duties on occasion.

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