Avada Is The #1 Selling WP Theme

With over 95,000+ Users and counting, Avada is the most complete and trusted wordpress theme on the market.

Fully Responsive

Avada's responsive framework ensures your content looks great on all screen sizes.

Perfect For All Sizes

No matter the size of your screen or device, your site will look fantastic.

Premium Sliders

Avada includes four premium sliders that make your content stand out!

Make Your Content Stand Out

Avada includes the Layer Slider, Revolution Slider, Fusion Slider and Elastic Slider.

Fusion Builder

Fusion Builder is an intuitive visual page builder that is a pleasure to use.

Build Something Beautiful

Fusion Builder includes dozens of shortcodes loaded with options, giving you perfect freedom.

Dedicated Support

We care about your site as much as you do, you can count on us for theme support.

You Can Count On Us

We thrive on our users, and want to see everyone happy when using Avada.

Powerful Options

Avada's theme options and page options allow you to take control of your website.

Unleash The Power of Avada

We build intuitive, user-friendly options so you can quickly and easily build your site.

Free Updates With Value

We issue updates that matter; rich with amazing new features and improvements.

Its Like Getting A New Theme

Avada just keeps getting better and better, each update is like getting a brand new theme all for free.

What Else? We Have The Best Support Around

Avada is loaded with useful, functional options that allow users to quickly and easily create stunning websites. But that’s not all, when you purchase a copy of Avada you will also get the most amazing customer support around!

  • Fully responsive so your content will always look good on any screen size
  • Awesome sliders give you the opportunity to showcase your content
  • Advanced theme options panel to easily customize your website
Buy Avada Now!
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Avada Is The Ultimate WordPress Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme!

Loaded with awesome features like Fusion Builder, premium sliders, unlimited colors, advanced theme options & more!
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