Cathedral Activities
The best-known annual festivity at Arundel Cathedral is the Corpus Christi celebration in late May/early June.
This feast, honouring the Body and Blood of Christ, is celebrated by the laying down of a carpet of flowers along the centre aisle of the church. After Mass the Blessed Sacrament is carried in procession with hymns down the flower decorated aisle and, weather permitting, along the streets of the town to the Castle quadrangle, where there is Benediction.
Duke Henry introduced this tradition to Arundel in 1877 inspired by an Italian custom.
Other regular activities include the Arundel and Brighton Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes is supported each year by the Arundel Parish and help given to individuals to participate.
Also a programme of choral and other concerts are held in the Cathedral, which are widely supported especially during the Arundel Festival season in late August each year. One of the foremost of these is the performance given by The Sir Malcolm Sargent Choir of volunteer choristers, who donate their takings to a cancer charity.
Communication is key to reaching out to local parishioners and the wider domain of regional, national and international Roman Catholics. A weekly newsletter gives the very latest information to everyone attending Mass both at the Cathedral and The Poor Clares Convent with the most current version online by clicking here.
The Parish Proclaimer magazine is issued four times a year – winter, spring, summer and autumn – to local parishioners who attend weekend Masses either in the Cathedral or Poor Clares Convent.
Cathedral Centre is our newly named and restored parish hall, the venue where we hold social activities and events for the parish community. There are some great facilities should anyone want to use our former St. Mary’s Hall for wedding receptions or other functions. Please call our parish office via our contact page.
Cathedral parishioners, through voluntary groups, actively support charities to help raise much-needed funds as well as profile of the good cause.
Churches’ Liaison Committee
Arundel has a thriving ecumenical community and whilst all three major Christian churches in the town have distinct identities, they cooperate to endeavour to promote the Christian message to the people of the town.
This cooperation is orchestrated by the Churches’ Liaison Committee. This committee is made up of lay representatives and the clergy from the Catholic, Anglican and Baptist Churches. Ecumenical activities in the town range from discussion groups, support for a local charity for the homeless, children’s meeting groups and services, the Arundel Festival family prayer service, the Town Carol Service, joint Stations of the Cross and informal social gatherings.
Arundel has a strong Christian history, and we hope that through our collaboration with our fellow Christians we can ensure that the message of Christ continues to be heard in our town.

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